Fire rose boutique Women's apparel

e-commerce website

Project overview

Firerose is a women’s apparel e-commerce website where customers have the options to customize their orders and try on using the virtue dressing room. In my persona, Emily Dorado is a very busy working professional living in San Francisco. She is on a constant time crunch and does not have time shopping at malls. She finds firerose and proceeds to customize the dress and successfully tries on the dress virtually, she likes how the dress looks on her and places an order with firerose


How I came to this product idea:

There’s a lack of industry on where users can customize their own clothes and even a smaller market for users to try on virtually. I came up with this product idea for people who have a very busy life, people who simply do not like going to the mall, or people who wants to explore something new.


The goal:

The goal is to create a seamless purchase to checkout experience.


The Challenge:

The challenge I face is the market is overly competitive, there are many well established online apparel stores, and the key is to make it different, offer something unique that other websites don’t offer.


The research:

I looked at several women’s apparel e-commerce websites including victoriassecret, fabletics, true&co and eshaki. I created an account with each one of them and attempted to make a purchase and checkout to compare and see which one has the most seamless checkout experience and also researched on what is the best checkout experience.


Usability testing:

After finishing up the prototype, I send it out to 3 people to test. The general feedback was positive, and people seemed to like the whole experience. Based on the feedback, I was able to incorporate suggestions/comments to further improve the shopping to checkout experience.

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User Persona

Emily Dorado is our user persona here. She is a marketing specialist by profession and she is into fashion. She wishes to shop for high quality fashionable clothes without having to go to a physical store, she wants to be able to customize her own clothes and try them on virtually.

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customer journey map

In this journey map,  it emphasizes the journey that Emily goes through from first landing on to placing an order with them. It has each step that Emily goes through and delightful moments that Emily encounters and some suggestions that Emily has to make it a better shopping experience for its customers.


Paper prototype

This paper prototype highlights the whole experience from first landing on the website to placing an order.


Digital prototype Version 1


Digital prototype final version


Final presentation